Where Clouds End – The Story of a Dark Soul

My very first novella „Where Clouds End – The Story of a Dark Soul“ – along with the German version titled „Wo Wolken enden“ – was self-published as a paperback (112 pages, ISBN: 9783749465965, 7,99€) and E-book (3,99€) in 2019. Both versions are available in many international online book shops, e.g. BoD.de or Amazon (DE/AUS/JP/UK/US).

„Where Clouds End“ was my first longer prose and my first fictional publication in English (after one collection of poems and three novels). I wrote it in the winter of 1999-2000 right after leaving school, heavily revising it over the years. This short novel captures the loneliness I felt at secondary school in a pointed, melancholy and philosophical way. Due to its conciseness, it is my densest and most atmospheric work to date, enwrought with early poems.



A sullen guilt keeps an a-level student at a distance to other people and his only companion is the pain in his soul. Even his hard-working single mother hardly knows the lone wolf. But one autumn in the mid-1990s, his path crosses that of a young man who also seems lonely except for his dog. After their fateful encounter, some connection develops which could become a friendship. But the outsider has to do some serious soul-searching whether he can allow this to happen or not.


available works in German

Roman-Cover-Poster Vollmondbraut: Hexenjagd auf Schwedisch von Martin Wolkner
Vollmondbraut: Hexenjagd auf Schwedisch
(260 pages, written: 2009, published: 2015)


Roman-Cover-Poster Morgenreport – Meine EuroPride-Fiesta in Köln von Martin Wolkner
Morgenreport – Meine EuroPride-Fiesta in Köln
(332 pages, written: 2002, published: 2019)


Cover-Poster Gedichtsammlung immer (noch) wahr - 80 Gedichte von Martin Wolkner
immer (noch) wahr – 80 Gedichte
(164 pages, published: 2019)


Roman-Cover-Poster Wo Wolken enden – Die Geschichte einer dunklen Seele von Martin Wolkner
Wo Wolken enden – Die Geschichte einer dunklen Seele
(120 pages, written: 1999-2000, published: 2019)